following up my own post with new results: >* graphical boot no longer works (worked with test3) apparently it's not enabled by default. rc.sysconfig has changed from test3, adding "rhgb" to the kernel arguments in grub.conf will enable it. >* some of the X11 Xft fonts (like Sans) are weird; they look "squashed" >vertically (i.e., are smaller than on test3, with the same fontsize >while vertical spacing seems to be the same as before). I removed >.fonts-cache* in my homedir, to no avail. apparently, this can be solved by running fc-cache as root. maybe some older fontconfig cache that hung around was messing things up. if it doesn't work, poking the font paths before running it (I added <dir>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF</dir> to the local.conf in /etc/fonts) might have an effect. maybe it's also loading the lucida fonts from there? (don't know what exactly Sans and Monospace are aliases for... the XML files for font configuration are a bit confusing to me.) -- Matthias Buelow; mkb@{,}