On Wednesday 31 December 2003 14:34, Henk Jurriens wrote: > Hi, > > I want to use K3B, but I got the following message : > > No support for ATAPI with cdrdao > You will not be able to use all your reading devices as copy sources since > there is at least one not configured to use SCSI emulation and your system > does not support ATAPI with cdrdao. > Solution: The best and recommended solution is to enable ide-scsi (SCSI > emulation) for all devices. This way you won't have any problems. > > But how can I enable ide-scsi emulation? My harddisk had ide-scsi emulation > ( kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.22-1.2135.nptl ro root=LABEL=/ hdd=ide-scsi rhgb > ) I recommend you to ignore that warning message and use k3b without enabling ide-scsi. Moreover I recommend you to remove the "hdd=ide-scsi" part from grub.conf . As you maybe know, K3b, being only a frontend, uses cdrdao and cdrecord for actual CD writing so you must make sure that at least one of these two are working. Until a few months ago the only way to use an ATAPI burner in linux was to enable scsi emulation on that drive by adding "hdX=ide-scsi" in your boot manager (grub or lilo). But now it is possible to access the ATAPI drives directly if you use a newer version of cdrecord that contains a special library. For quite a while cdrdao had some options that cdrecord didn't so it was used extensively for cd writing. However cdrdao has 2 major inconveniences: it hasn't been updated for more than a year (so it still needs scsi emulation) and generates a very high cpu load. Now cdrecord has [maybe] all the features that were missing so it is recommended to use it instead of cdrdao. Because K3b still has some options that use cdrdao you are warned that it can't be used without scsi emulation. For example K3b has 2 options for copying CDs (that virtually are the same) but use different programs to do the actual work: "CD Copy" will use cdrdao while "CD Clone" will use cdrecord. In conclusion, if you have a newer version of cdrecord (the one shipped with Fedora Core 1 is OK) then you might not need cdrdao at all so you can disable scsi emulation on your drives by removing any "hdX=ide-scsi" in your lilo.conf or grub.conf. I'm using K3b without scsi emulating my burner and I'm able to write data and audio CDs and make CD copies. That's enough for me. Maybe some other fancy features would still require cdrdao, but I don't use them... Mihai PS: You said that you have hdd=ide-scsi in your grub.conf but still got the message... this is because you have another CD drive (CD-ROM, DVD-ROM) drive that you are not scsi emulating. If you still want to follow K3b's recommendation then add the "hdX=ide-scsi" on that line from grub.conf (where hdX is the other CD drive [hdc maybe]).