Hello list. I cross posted this with the linux-wlan mailing list. I'm hoping someone on this list can help me out or offer an alternate suggestion like replacing the Actiontec card with a different brand of card. I am trying to get my IBM T23's built-in mini-PCI, Actiontec prism2 based wireless card working *properly*. (This card is really starting to piss me off :o) Please read the following steps I take, I'm really getting sick of reinstalling the OS trying to get the card working properly. I am still new to linux, so the steps I take may be incorrect; please correct me, I appreciate it! [RPM's taken from http://prism2.unixguru.raleigh.nc.us/] 1.fresh install of Fedora core 1. 2.cd /usr/src/linux-2.4 3.sudo make xconfig 4.[turn on appropriate kernel modules] 5.make dep 6.make mrproper 7.rpm -Uvh kernel-wlan-ng-0.2.1-pre14.i686.rpm 8.rpm -Uvh kernel-wlan-ng-modules-fc1.1.2115-0.2.1-pre14.i686.rpm 9. rpm -Uvh kernel-wlan-ng-pci-0.2.1-pre14.i686.rpm output of 9. : Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:kernel-wlan-ng-pci ########################################### [100%] Adding prism2_pci alias to /etc/modules.conf file... ***NOTE*** YOU MUST CHANGE THIS IF YOU HAVE A PLX CARD!!! The default wlan0 network configuration is DHCP. Adjust accordingly. ACHTUNG! ATTENTION! WARNING! YOU MUST configure /etc/wlan/wlan.conf to define your SSID! YOU ALSO must configure /etc/wlan/wlancfg-SSID to match WAP settings! (---> replace SSID in filename with the value of your SSID) If you get an error after this point, there is either a problem with your drivers or you don't have the hardware installed! If the former, get help! Starting WLAN Devices: /etc/init.d/wlan: line 51: /sbin/prism2dl: No such file or directory * is this the correct order of installing 7,8,9? Or does it not matter? _-_-_- 10.edit wlan.conf and wlancfg-ESSID 11.reboot the machine, wlan is brought up fine, everything is working great. Now for the problem. For wireless to be useful for me, I need to be able to have it survive after a suspend, or survive if I need to stop and start it after making changes (i.e. Switching/scanning for wireless networks.) This doesn't work. Example: 12.apm -s 13.[wake machine up] 14.# /etc/rc.d/init.d/wlan restart Shutting Down WLAN Devices: Shutting Down WLAN Devices: message=lnxreq_ifstate ifstate=disable resultcode=success /etc/rc.d/init.d/wlan: line 95: 4130 Segmentation fault $MODPROBE -r $DEVICE p80211: Device or resource busy Starting WLAN Devices: /etc/rc.d/init.d/wlan: line 119: Error: Device wlan0 does notseem to be present.: command not found /etc/rc.d/init.d/wlan: line 120: Make sure you've inserted the appropriate: command not found /etc/rc.d/init.d/wlan: line 121: modules or that your modules.conf file contains: command not found /etc/rc.d/init.d/wlan: line 122: the appropriate aliase(s).: command not found [root@localhost julian]# [ OK ] At this point the wireless is 'blown up' and for me to do anything wirelessly after this point I have to restart. Could anyone possibly suggest what I might be doing wrong, or how I can “control” my wireless card? OR an alternate card to replace with my existing one with, which Fedora likes. Julian