RE: NO BOOT!!! NT loader

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sean Stagg [mailto:scstagg@xxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 3:49 AM
> To: fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: NO BOOT!!! NT loader
> I'm new to Linux and wanted to use the NT loader as I still 
> want XP to work 
> well. I have two 120GB drives, hda with XP and recently 
> installed hdb with 
> Fedora. I want to use nt loader and not have to monkey around 
> with the MBR 
> of hda as She Who Must Be Obeyed uses this (for the time 
<snip off rest of content>

	This is my little Howto for my own reference. (I usually write
simple howtos 
to document how I did something in case I screw things up and don't know how
I did
it in the 1st place. & I do a lot of (both of) those :)

I'm using XP+Linux using NT Bootloader + bootpart to load Linux/Grub.

I hope this attachment goes through.. Else, please mail me off-line

Gist of it..

Install XP
Install Linux
MBR of Linux is into Root of Linux Disc. For you I think it's /dev/hdb 
(/dev/hda is XP and that's where NT Loader resides)
Boot into XP
go to CMD.exe prompt, run bootpart

Determine where is your Linux Partition (/dev/hdb)

do a 	-> 
Bootpart 1  Bootlinx.bin Linux
	(Where 1 = partition number of the /dev/hdb or the MBR of Linux)
	( Bootlinx.bin = The Bootsector of the LInux partition)
	(Linux = The name to put into Boot.ini)

Reboot, you should see the Name Linux as an option in NT Loader.

Select Linux -> (will go to ) Grub -> Linux

PS : Personally, I prefer using GRUB but again, I'm not too comfortable in
of NT Loader. *In Case* something untowards happen.

PS2 : Nice one about "The One Who Must Be Obeyed".. I have one of those
Mine's Serial # is 22341122444222-version2.rpm
How to Make Sure Windows NT/2000 and Linux Co-Exists Peacefully

What Is Needed.

	a) patience (lots of it!)
	b) A dash of Stupidity (to want to mess things up so badly)
	c) Linux CD Rom
	d) Linux Boot Floppy
	e) Windows Boot Disk (need Smartdrv.exe loaded too)
	f) Bootpart Util (Http://

1. Install Win2K as usual. Windows will write the Bootloader (NTldr) into the Hard    Disk's MBR
2. YOu then see the Boot.ini File

--------------Begin Boot.ini File-------------
[Boot Loader]
[Operating Systems]
signature(faa7db4a)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(5)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" /fastdetect
C:\BOOTLINX.bin="Redhat Linux 7.1" 

----------------End of Boot.ini File---------------

3. Install Linux

4. If running Redhat, DO NOT use any of the install Styles (eg: Workstation. Laptop,    Server etc as this will Overwrite the MBR and for some your Hard Disk Partition.     Everything will be LOST!) Run as "Custom"

5. WHen it comes to the part of Lilo Installation, Pick Install into The Root       partition of Linux (eg :/dev/hda7) If the hard disk is BIG >8.5GB Limit, make a      small (30MB partition after the 1st partition of 2GB) and format as /boot and       Linux will store all the Kernel and Boot files there.

6. Reboot and go into DOS.

7. Run the Bootpart Util (eg: C:\bootpart.exe)
	a) The bootpart util actually goes and searches all the partition that 	   exists in the hard drive
	b) Out put will be like below 

---------------Begin Bootpart output--------------
Boot Partition 2.50 for WinNT/2K/XP (c)1995-2002 G. Vollant (info@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
WEB : and
Add partition in the Windows NT/2000/XP Multi-boot loader
Run "bootpart /?" for more information

Physical number of disk 0 : faa7db4a
 0 : C:* type=6  (BIGDOS Fat16), size= 2072353 KB, Lba Pos=63
 1 : C:  type=83  (Linux native), size= 24097 KB, Lba Pos=4144770
 2 : C:  type=f  (Win95 XInt 13 extended), size= 17454622 KB, Lba Pos=4192965
 3 : C:  type=7   (HPFS/NTFS), size= 4610623 KB, Lba Pos=4193028
 4 : C:  type=5   (Extended), size= 4096575 KB, Lba Pos=13414275
 5 : C:  type=7    (HPFS/NTFS), size= 4096543 KB, Lba Pos=13414338 
 6 : C:  type=5    (Extended), size= 4096575 KB, Lba Pos=21607425
 7 : C:  type=7     (HPFS/NTFS), size= 4096543 KB, Lba Pos=21607488
 8 : C:  type=5     (Extended), size= 4409842 KB, Lba Pos=29800575
 9 : C:  type=83      (Linux native), size= 4409811 KB, Lba Pos=29800638
10 : C:  type=5      (Extended), size= 136552 KB, Lba Pos=38620260
11 : C:  type=82       (Linux swap), size= 136521 KB, Lba Pos=38620323
12 : C:  type=5       (Extended), size= 104422 KB, Lba Pos=38893365
13 : C:  type=83        (Linux native), size= 104391 KB, Lba Pos=38893428

---------------------END Bootpart Output------------------------

So.. * = Default bootable partition
No 1 is my /boot Linux partition.

Hence, to add partitions to the Boot.ini File do this :

	-> Bootpart 1  Bootlinx.bin Linux
	(Where 1 = partition number)
	( Bootlinx.bin = The Bootsector of the LInux partition)
	(Linux = The name to put into Boot.ini)

Wah Lah... Done.

Reboot and there you go..

the /boot

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