I own a compaq presario 1500ap laptop and running FC1.
Is it possible to get the keyboard keys for adjusting screen brightness work? I managed to get other special keys work. Can the screen brightness itself be adjusted? I am not familiar with the underlying technical stuffs, is this something to do with X or anything else? Thanks for any help provided.
[mwb@localhost ~]>> xgamma --help
usage: xgamma [-options]
where the available options are:
-display host:dpy or -d
-quiet or -q
-screen or -s
-gamma f.f Gamma Value
-rgamma f.f Red Gamma Value
-ggamma f.f Green Gamma Value
-bgamma f.f Blue Gamma Value
If no gamma is specified, returns the current setting
For example: xgamma -gamma 1.5
Xgamma won't allow me to change the gamma settings incrementally though . Is there any other way or tool that will allow me to do this?