Hi Gregory,
Since I originally started with 128 MB this makes sense why it suggested 256 MB. I had to increaseThe "easy" thing to do in this case is abandon the miminal swap you have and just make another (larger) swap partition to be used instead. The size of a swap partition is a matter of debate, but generally it sould be equal to or no more than twice as large as your physical memory.
the memory to 384 MB because of the boat load of seg faults I was getting.
My swap is at the end of the hard disk so I would be possible to extend into it. Actually I haveIf you actually have space on the disk around the swap partition that you can resize into, there is nothing that prevents resizing the partition and running "mkswap" on the resized space. There's no real magic about swap files/partitions. Of course, you'll have to resize and mkswap in "single user mode" with swap disabled while you're manipulating the system.
the boot first, / second, and the swap last. I just didn't want to clobber anything on the root disk
if I resized into it with the swap. How does one know if it is safe to go into those sectors without
Also how do I go into single user mode?
I see your concern about having more than one swap file/partition, but I'd suggest thtat this isn't really something to worry about. Swap space shouldn't be a consideration in normaml operation, and using more than 1 file/partition should not effect efficiency.
I agree, however, I am still intruding into the root partitition anyway.