Alex White schrieb:
Do you have connection tracking functioning? What sort of iptables
rules are you running as well. It could be that you're denying all
inbound traffic on accident, (I did this once and was frustrated for
days lol). Assuming that iptables is set up correctly and your forwards
are correct, and the masquerading is right. You'll need some or all
of the following modules installed:
ip_conntrack_ftp <---- for ftping not specific to irc support.
If your machines can get out to the internet without a problem, then I
believe that these will be all the modules you really need in order to
get your irc stuff working. I have however, been mistaken before. hehe
All right, i had an old iptabels rule enabled which forwarded a port
range containing 6667 to the machine behind the nat. I didnt see that
rule on the first look. I changed it to do nothing and everything works
just fine, still thanx for holding my hand ;-)).