Re: Using Lexmark X6170 with FC1

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On 07/12/2003 01:47 James Drabb wrote

Is it too late to take it back?

I've had it since October.  Under Australian consumer legislation, merchants are only obliged to accept returns if the goods are faulty or they don't perform as described.  Some accept returns because you've changed your mind, but there is no obligation for them to do so.  Either way, it'd be difficult to argue that it's unsuitable after all this time.
Lexmark is CRAP IMO.  I bought two of their printers, Z52 and the X83
printer/scanner/copier and their Linux support was non-existent.  I sold
both printers and bought an HP PSC 2110 scanner/printer/copier.  The
HP's are very nice and HP has full support for Linux.  I can print and
scan under Linux with HP's Open Source drivers, and it all just works.
I searched for this model.  A few online retailers have it for sale, but for some reason, it doesn't even rate a mention when I performed a search for it on HP's Australian website.
If you can take the printer back, do it and exchange it for an HP 3-in-1
printer.  You will be glad you did.

I'm quite happy with the Lexmark printer.  If it won't work with Linux then unfortunately perhaps, Linux will be what has to go.  I'm guessing that wil be what will happen.  I also received a reply from fred smith who indicated that using the linux printer driver developer kit would require a lot of patience.  Given that I'm an absolute novice with Linux, I'm guessing I need to know a lot more about how it works to have any chance of being successful.

Thanks for your comments though.  It isn't what I was hoping to hear, but it's what I wanted to hear before I spent too much time and effort on it for potentially no return.
Jim Drabb

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