Alexandre Strube wrote:
That's a dup of this bug:Em Qua, 2003-12-03 às 18:08, Alexandre Strube escreveu:I'm having strange behavior on mozilla... What happens is: with some users on my machine, mozilla does not work with any page which has flash animations. But with my user it works!What do you mean "does not work?" Does it hang? Does the flash player not show up?It begins to open the page (the title bar changes for the page title), and then it closes silently, even when called from command-line. I've upgraded to mozilla-1.5, same result.In name of clarity: And was the bug that was fixed with the 1.4.1-18 errata release that I did for FC1. It was also fixed after 1.5 was released, so 1.5 had the bug. --Chris -- ------------ Christopher Blizzard ------------ |