Re: [Linux-usb-users[ PROBLEM: Kernel 2.6.x freeze

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Alan Stern wrote:

Equally important, which version of gcc was used to compile the kernel?
My gcc version is:

gcc (GCC) 3.3.6

Arkadiusz, could you please run "objdump -d drivers/usb/host/uhci-hcd.o" in your kernel source directory, and post the portion of the output for the uhci_giveback_urb routine?
00001483 <uhci_giveback_urb>:
   1483:    55                       push   %ebp
   1484:    57                       push   %edi
   1485:    89 d7                    mov    %edx,%edi
   1487:    56                       push   %esi
   1488:    89 ce                    mov    %ecx,%esi
   148a:    53                       push   %ebx
   148b:    83 ec 1c                 sub    $0x1c,%esp
   148e:    89 44 24 18              mov    %eax,0x18(%esp)
   1492:    83 7a 48 01              cmpl   $0x1,0x48(%edx)
   1496:    8b 69 04                 mov    0x4(%ecx),%ebp
   1499:    75 27                    jne    14c2 <uhci_giveback_urb+0x3f>
   149b:    8d 42 18                 lea    0x18(%edx),%eax
   149e:    8b 55 04                 mov    0x4(%ebp),%edx
   14a1:    39 c2                    cmp    %eax,%edx
   14a3:    75 1d                    jne    14c2 <uhci_giveback_urb+0x3f>
   14a5:    8b 45 00                 mov    0x0(%ebp),%eax
   14a8:    39 d0                    cmp    %edx,%eax
   14aa:    74 16                    je     14c2 <uhci_giveback_urb+0x3f>
   14ac:    8b 40 08                 mov    0x8(%eax),%eax
   14af:    8d 50 5c                 lea    0x5c(%eax),%edx
   14b2:    89 57 2c                 mov    %edx,0x2c(%edi)
   14b5:    8b 40 44                 mov    0x44(%eax),%eax
   14b8:    c7 47 40 00 00 00 00     movl   $0x0,0x40(%edi)
   14bf:    89 47 3c                 mov    %eax,0x3c(%edi)
   14c2:    8b 45 00                 mov    0x0(%ebp),%eax
   14c5:    8b 55 04                 mov    0x4(%ebp),%edx
   14c8:    89 02                    mov    %eax,(%edx)
   14ca:    89 50 04                 mov    %edx,0x4(%eax)
   14cd:    89 6d 00                 mov    %ebp,0x0(%ebp)
   14d0:    8d 47 18                 lea    0x18(%edi),%eax
   14d3:    89 6d 04                 mov    %ebp,0x4(%ebp)
   14d6:    39 47 18                 cmp    %eax,0x18(%edi)
   14d9:    75 4b                    jne    1526 <uhci_giveback_urb+0xa3>
   14db:    0f b6 47 50              movzbl 0x50(%edi),%eax
   14df:    a8 02                    test   $0x2,%al
   14e1:    88 44 24 08              mov    %al,0x8(%esp)
   14e5:    74 3f                    je     1526 <uhci_giveback_urb+0xa3>
   14e7:    0f b6 46 20              movzbl 0x20(%esi),%eax
   14eb:    8b 4e 20                 mov    0x20(%esi),%ecx
   14ee:    ba fe ff ff ff           mov    $0xfffffffe,%edx
   14f3:    24 80                    and    $0x80,%al
   14f5:    0f 94 c3                 sete   %bl
   14f8:    c1 e9 0f                 shr    $0xf,%ecx
   14fb:    0f b6 db                 movzbl %bl,%ebx
   14fe:    83 e1 0f                 and    $0xf,%ecx
   1501:    89 1c 24                 mov    %ebx,(%esp)
   1504:    89 d8                    mov    %ebx,%eax
   1506:    d3 c2                    rol    %cl,%edx
   1508:    8b 5e 1c                 mov    0x1c(%esi),%ebx
   150b:    23 54 83 24              and    0x24(%ebx,%eax,4),%edx
   150f:    0f b6 44 24 08           movzbl 0x8(%esp),%eax
   1514:    83 e0 01                 and    $0x1,%eax
   1517:    d3 e0                    shl    %cl,%eax
   1519:    09 c2                    or     %eax,%edx
   151b:    8b 04 24                 mov    (%esp),%eax
   151e:    89 54 83 24              mov    %edx,0x24(%ebx,%eax,4)
   1522:    80 67 50 fd              andb   $0xfd,0x50(%edi)
   1526:    8b 44 24 18              mov    0x18(%esp),%eax
   152a:    89 ea                    mov    %ebp,%edx
   152c:    e8 fe f1 ff ff           call   72f <uhci_free_urb_priv>
   1531:    8b 47 48                 mov    0x48(%edi),%eax
   1534:    83 f8 01                 cmp    $0x1,%eax
   1537:    74 07                    je     1540 <uhci_giveback_urb+0xbd>
   1539:    83 f8 03                 cmp    $0x3,%eax
   153c:    74 12                    je     1550 <uhci_giveback_urb+0xcd>
   153e:    eb 33                    jmp    1573 <uhci_giveback_urb+0xf0>
   1540:    83 7e 08 00              cmpl   $0x0,0x8(%esi)
   1544:    74 2d                    je     1573 <uhci_giveback_urb+0xf0>
   1546:    8b 46 1c                 mov    0x1c(%esi),%eax
   1549:    b9 01 00 00 00           mov    $0x1,%ecx
   154e:    eb 13                    jmp    1563 <uhci_giveback_urb+0xe0>
   1550:    8d 47 18                 lea    0x18(%edi),%eax
   1553:    39 47 18                 cmp    %eax,0x18(%edi)
   1556:    75 14                    jne    156c <uhci_giveback_urb+0xe9>
   1558:    83 7e 08 00              cmpl   $0x0,0x8(%esi)
   155c:    74 0e                    je     156c <uhci_giveback_urb+0xe9>
   155e:    8b 46 1c                 mov    0x1c(%esi),%eax
   1561:    31 c9                    xor    %ecx,%ecx
   1563:    89 f2                    mov    %esi,%edx
   1565:    e8 fc ff ff ff           call   1566 <uhci_giveback_urb+0xe3>
   156a:    eb 07                    jmp    1573 <uhci_giveback_urb+0xf0>
   156c:    c7 46 08 00 00 00 00     movl   $0x0,0x8(%esi)
   1573:    8b 44 24 18              mov    0x18(%esp),%eax
   1577:    8b 4c 24 30              mov    0x30(%esp),%ecx
   157b:    89 f2                    mov    %esi,%edx
   157d:    2d d0 00 00 00           sub    $0xd0,%eax
   1582:    e8 fc ff ff ff           call   1583 <uhci_giveback_urb+0x100>
   1587:    8d 47 18                 lea    0x18(%edi),%eax
   158a:    39 47 18                 cmp    %eax,0x18(%edi)
   158d:    75 12                    jne    15a1 <uhci_giveback_urb+0x11e>
   158f:    89 fa                    mov    %edi,%edx
   1591:    8b 44 24 18              mov    0x18(%esp),%eax
   1595:    e8 4d f0 ff ff           call   5e7 <uhci_unlink_qh>
   159a:    c7 47 38 00 00 00 00     movl   $0x0,0x38(%edi)
   15a1:    83 c4 1c                 add    $0x1c,%esp
   15a4:    5b                       pop    %ebx
   15a5:    5e                       pop    %esi
   15a6:    5f                       pop    %edi
   15a7:    5d                       pop    %ebp
   15a8:    c3                       ret

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