Re: googleearth shutdown X server

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2007/6/11, Claude Jones <claude_jones@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
On Monday June 11 2007 10:32:07 am Steve Siegfried wrote:
> Claude Jones wrote:
> > On Monday June 11 2007 9:59:14 am antonio montagnani wrote:
> > > I would disinstall Nvidia driver and re-install it. I hade same issues
> > > with Googleearth and blender.
> >
> > Antonio: I'm not having any issues with googleearth and blender - that's
> > why I asked the question
> I had basically the same issues in FC5 (Nvidia driver, googleearth locks
> up X11). The funny thing was this started roughly a month _after_ I'd
> installed/upgraded what I thought was the stuff that might have mattered.
> Up to that point, everything worked just fine.

To reiterate; You're probably responding to other posts in this thread, but,
you replied to mine. I am NOT having any problems, either with glxgears
results (around 2800 FPS), Blender, or GoogleEarth. All seems to be well with
my system; I'm running a P4 2.8 GHz CPU w/1GB of ram, and a nVidia 6200 card
and the latest nVidia driver from freshrpms. The only issue I'm having is
when I use the nVidia X server setting configuration utility, and there, the
only issue seems to be when I query an informational button - the one that's
labeled "Open GL/GLX Information" - then, and only then, my screen goes black
and shortly after, returns me to the login screen. --- It sounds and seems
strange, but that's my story, and I'm sticking to it

Claude Jones
Levit & James, Inc.
Leesburg, VA

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I had exactly the same problem (shutdown of server when touching the
OpenGL option),
I disinstalled drivers and reinstalled (have a look at Xorg log file
if any error occurs at GLX driver start-up)

Not my two cents, only one... :-)
Antonio Montagnani
Skype : antoniomontag

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