Re: Problems with Flash 64 beta audio AND with 32bit Flash w/ nsplugin video

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Claude Jones writes:

I finally got around to researching the problem with the Flash 64
plugin from Adobe and certain audio - I found that there were
issues with that plugin and mp3 audio which caused a crackly audio
with certain sites. The recommendation was to use nsplugin and the
32 bit Flash plugin. I've done that, but now I get mysterious
white bars which flash across the screen, both horizontally and
vertically when I play flash video, such as video on the CNN site.
I'm running Fedora 14 with all the latest updates.

Anyone found this, and have a solution?
There's a known bug in the most recent 64 bit flash that corrupts the audio.

Linus's fix for Chrome works for me for Firefox, too:

Adobe acknowledged this bug -- they should fix it in whenever the next 64 bit flash plugin comes out.

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