Re: Mozplugger does not work for PDF files

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Chris Smart writes:

On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 11:23 AM, Sam Varshavchik <mrsam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It uses either one. I also have xpdf installed, as well. No dice. Does it
work for you?

Yep, it works for me.. i.e.

Comes up inside Firefox using xpdf.
No dice for me.

[mrsam@lc2440 ~]$ rpm -q xpdf
[mrsam@lc2440 ~]$ rpm -q mozplugger

The link just downloads the file into the regular download folder, and then I get to double-click on it, to open it in xpdf.
I must have something broken, but I see nothing obvious. about:plugins shows 
mozplugger as the only handler for all the pdf mime types. Can't be some 
other plugin messing things up.
Oh well, when I have some time, I'll have to do some digging.

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