Re: Things are getting really messed up on Fedora 14

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-----Original Message-----
>From: Steven Stern <subscribed-lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Feb 2, 2011 7:20 PM
>To: Community support for Fedora users <users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: Re: Things are getting really messed up on Fedora 14
>On 02/02/2011 11:15 AM, les wrote:
>> Hi, guys, 
>> 	First it was evolution, and some poor slowdowns with other things, now
>> it is firefox, where I cannot set the home page.  I have tried using
>> edit>preferences and typing it in, selecting the page I want and
>> selecting edit>preferences and selecting use current page, and I hav
>> tried dragging the token to the home button.  None of these methods
>> work.  What on earth do we have to do now to set preferences?  Is the
>> history really being erased?  Are our systems doing strange stuff?  or
>> is it just my system?  By the way the problem of not saving the
>> separator position in evolution has come back as well.
>> 	Are Microsoft engineers "helping" us with our applications now?
>> Regards,
>> Les H
>Every now and again, the firefox profile gets hosed.  Try creating an
>new firefox profile and see if the problem persists.
>-- Steve
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Go to about:config and check -> browser.startup.homepage and if nots what you want, change it.

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