Re: Fedora 14 i586

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On 01/13/2011 11:30 AM, suvayu ali wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 2:36 PM, Pittigher, Raymond - ES
> <Raymond.Pittigher@xxxxxxx>  wrote:
>   >  It is for the xcore86 computer on a board pc.
> I am not familiar with these boards, but from what I read on Wikipedia
> these are not very different than standard 32 bit machines. I will ask
> again, have you actually tried the standard 32 bit media? Since your
> platform is not radically different (e.g. PPC). i586 is just a subset
> of i686. I would expect almost everything to work out of the box.
> Maybe try the netinstall.iso, then any non standard packages required
> for your platform could be pulled from the repos.
> PS: As g pointed out earlier, please don't top post.

Yes I did try and during boot get the error CMOV missing. The boards
need i586 or lower and versions like puppy Linux work, I also ran with
Linux from Scratch but would like Fedora or RHEL. I am guessing that the
VmLinuz on the DVD would need to be redone and also the kernel packages
needed to be built for i586 or lower.

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