Re: Installing Skype on 64-bit Fedora 14

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Andre Robatino writes:

I install the skype RPM first, then try to run it. If I get an error complaining
about not finding, I run "locate" which locates
the corresponding 64-bit file (/lib64/, then use "rpm -qf
/lib64/" to find which package it belongs to (alsa-lib.x86_64),
then install the corresponding 32-bit package (alsa-lib.i686). Attempting to run
skype again, I'll get the same type of error with a different library, so I
repeat the process. After about a dozen iterations of this, it finally runs.
This would probably work just as well using commands such as "yum install
/lib/" to let yum automatically identify the corresponding package.
This is a packaging error in skype's RPM.

If an rpm package is built properly, yum would be able to automatically install all the prerequisites for you.
Just like it works with any other Fedora package. 32 bit or 64 bit.

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