Re: Screevaver

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On Fri, 10 Dec 2010, Patrick Dupre wrote:


Every time that I restart the machine, there is a screensaver running in
background consuming CPU while it should not. After I kill the process
every thing is fine. The screensaver works fine (ie. lock the screen when
it has to do it, etc..).
I do not see anything in the service configuration showing a start of
screensaver. It is started from "Startup Application"=20
(xscreensaver-autostart is not checked).
The problem comes probably from the fact that there are several
gnome-screensaver deamons running simultaneously !

fedora 13


 Patrick DUPRÉ                      |   |
 Department of Chemistry            |   |  Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
 The University of York             |   |  Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
 Heslington                         |   |
 York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom      |   |  email: patrick.dupre@xxxxxxxxxx
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