Re: Streaming audio out to an internet destination

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JD writes:

Hi All audio experts,

I use skype quiet a bit.
What I was interested in doing is this:
While talking to someone on skype, I would
like to be able to stream an audio track to
the same destination that I am speaking with
via skype.
I understand that I would have to know the
destination ip address and port.
Perhaps I can use netstat to find that??

So, which media streaming software can
I use to play a track and send it out that
ip address/port ?

Would it even be possible?
Of course not. If it were possible, then anyone who happens to know your IP 
address could, at any time, stream some audio to your speakers. That's 
what's generally known as a "security hole".
I do not know if skype would allow (i.e. accept) the
connection from the media streamer.
Nope. Skype is a proprietary, locked up, closed software.

This functionality, sending audio to your Skype peer, would have to be explicitly supported in the Skype software. If it's not, there's nothing that you can do.

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