Re: FC13 yum problem -- GPG

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Tony Foster writes:

I could use some help. I updated to FC13 from FC11 using a new disc I added to system. System now crashes and locks up when it goes into suspend state. not responsive to keyboard or front panel of computer without hard reset. When I boot FC11 all is still fine. I tried to run update assuming this was a problem in the distro but Yum dies because of GPG signatures for some rpmfusion packages. I am trying to find data on how to get the GPG data for the rpmfusion repository. I tried yum man pages and repo man pages. How the heck do you get gpg data for a repository. I could just edit the yum.config to remove the repo but that would leave some packages I wanted hanging and some of them may be effecting the suspend problem.
You should have the rpmfusion-free-release and rpmfusion-nonfree-release 
RPMs installed, which contain the requisite keys.

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