Re: Does it work for you? projectM pulseaudio visualization

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Bob Goodwin writes:

On 27/11/10 08:33, Michael Schwendt wrote:
On Fri, 26 Nov 2010 17:35:28 -0500, Bob wrote:

Fedora 14 -


1) yum -y install projectM-pulseaudio
2) Applications>   Sound&   Video>   projectM-pulseaudio
3) no animation, not even if music is played

Does it work for you?
     Yes -

       [bobg@box9 ~]$ aplay /usr/share/sounds/purple/login.wav
     Playing WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/purple/login.wav' : Signed 16 bit
     Little Endian, Rate 22050 Hz, Stereo

     Results in a different display each time it is run.

     Not sure I see any use for this but it works here.

If so, which graphics hardware and xorg-x11 driver is this with?
Could you also answer this question, please?
    I wanted to but don't know how or exactly what is required.
    Dmidecode did not provide useful information as far as I could see.
    This is probably a five year old Dell desktop with video and audio
    on the main board.

    Tell me what to do and I will copy the data to you asap.
Run "lspci -v" then look for something that reads "VGA" or "Display". That's 
your graphics hardware.
For your xorg drivers, run "grep LoadModule /var/log/Xorg.0.log".

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