Re: X can't run at full monitor res, but plymouth/rhgb can?

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Claude Jones writes:

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On Thursday, October 21, 2010, Tim wrote:

> I wonder what the practical limits are for either cabling?  35

> feet does sound quite long for high bandwidth video.

well, for the record, we've run 100' VGA cables to projectors, which is a fairly common occurence in event video work
Yes, and this is not some hack job. This is a high quality 35' VGA cable, 
that has no apparent issues carrying 1920x1080 video, plymouth solar theme, 
while the system boots. The kernel is correctly sensing the monitor's 
parameters and correctly setting the max resolution. Only when X comes up, 
it loses its mind and refuses to go any higher than 1024x768, even if I 
manually tell it to do so.

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