Re: Installing F14 Beta

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On 10/02/2010 07:56 PM, Craig White wrote:
> On Sat, 2010-10-02 at 19:43 -0700, James McKenzie wrote:
>> On 10/2/10 7:01 PM, Craig White wrote:
>>> On Sat, 2010-10-02 at 17:58 -0700, JD wrote:
>>>> Tried to upgrade to F14 Beta.
>>>> When I got to the stage where the user is presented
>>>> with a screen, that is vertically split in the middle.
>>>> On the left are storage partitions that will be mounted
>>>> and on the right (labeled for installation targets) is empty.
>>>> in the vertical centre bar there is a large>   sign
>>>> and beneath it  is a large<   sign.
>>>> So, I selected the disk that will be the target of the installation
>>>> (actually, upgrade), click the>   sign and that disk then
>>>> appeared on the right half of the screen and selected.
>>>> I then clicked next
>>>> Anaconda got stuck there for a long time. Even the disk activity LED
>>>> went quiescent. So I rebooted.
>>>> Anyone experience this?
>>> ----
>>> upgrades take a long time
>>> there is a fedora-test list for questions about pre-release versions and
>>> your question would be on-topic there but is off-topic here.
>> Why is this 'off-topic' here?
>> This is what I would consider a reasonable concern as the OP is worried
>> that this will happen with the final release.  I'm interested as I have
>> to go to an Internet Cafe to update my system and I would have to
>> calculate how many beverages I would need to purchase before the upgrade
>> is complete.  Yes, I do believe in giving them business while I'm using
>> their service.  :)
> ----
> Because there are many different test releases before a release goes
> final and anyone interested in testing a release should be in contact
> with the people who are involved in the test phase.
> Many of the test release developers do not participate on this list (too
> much traffic). At the point that it becomes an official release, then it
> is appropriate here.
> It has always been this way.
> If you are interested in knowing more about the pre-release versions,
> you can subscribe here...
> You should count on 2-4 hours minimum for any Fedora upgrade - calculate
> your beverages accordingly.
> Craig
That may be so!
But it is not YOUR place to say to anyone
if their post is out of place.
Especially if the post IS about Fedora!

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