Re: OpenOffice to LibreOffice

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On 09/28/2010 10:10 PM, Genes MailLists wrote:
> On 09/29/2010 12:12 AM, JD wrote:
>> Well, my reading of the "software crystal ball" :) tells me
>> that business is in a nosedive worldwide.
>> Oracle has already refused to participate in the new open
>> source OS which is supposed to be based on opensolaris.
>     completely different - (open)solaris was/is essentially dead - linux
> is the de facto server standard .. why would any business want to spend
> money on open solaris - linux is their core.
Hundreds of thousands of Solaris installed bases will not dump
Solaris and switch to Linux. Too darned expensive to do so.
They would have to throw away their millions if not billions in
software and development investments, and then spend more
to have the same ported or re-developed for Linux.

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