Re: Desktop right-click menu

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On 09/24/2010 08:45 AM, Greg Woods wrote:
> Is there any way to modify the menu that comes up when you right click
> on the desktop? I would like to add an item.
> What I need is a way to invoke nvidia-settings from a blank desktop.
> This comes up on my new laptop. The LCD screen resolution is 1440x990,
> very nice but that resolution isn't supported by any of the monitors I
> connect it to, so it comes up in separate screen mode and the monitor
> screen is a blank desktop. I would like to be able to invoke
> nvidia-settings from there, without having to open the laptop lid and
> use that screen. Once I have nvidia-settings running, I can click a
> couple of buttons to change it to "clone" mode and use a supported
> resolution, which will give me access to the real desktop on the
> external monitor. Unfortunately the resolutions supported by the various
> monitors are not the same, so just hard-coding a resolution into
> Xorg.conf isn't a good option. I also want the laptop screen to come up
> in its maximum resolution by default for the cases where it is NOT
> plugged in to an external monitor, so programming a low resolution that
> would be supported by any monitor is also not a good option.
> --Greg
As far as resolutions go, have you tried xrander?

As far as the gnome menu of the root screen: I too would like
to add some more menu items. Perhaps I will pose the question
on the gnome mailing list.

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