Re: umount cifs

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On 09/02/2010 08:13 AM, Jonathan Velleuer wrote:
> Dear all,
> I'm using the cifs protocol from the samba-client package
> (3.4.8-59.fc12.i686) on my linux machine ( to
> mount a remote windows share drive.
> Mounting and accessing the windows share through this protocol works
> very well. I just noticed a while ago that umount of that drive might
> not work entirely as expected. (not sure if it matters that the
> windows share on the windows machine is formatted with the NTFS
> format)
> When I umount the windows share it disappears from the list when
> invoking mount and also
> # lsmod |grep cifs reports 2 instead of 3.
> but cat /proc/fs/cifs/Stats  reports after umounting that Resources in
> use CIFS Session: 1 and lists the share.
> If I turn of the windows machine the load on my computer rapidly
> increases from<0.05 to>0.30 and remains on this level for hours/days
> until I turn the windows machine on again.
> Too this sounds like that I'm doing something wrong when I attempt to
> unmount the share.
> So my question is if I am doing something wrong when unmounting?
> Many thanks in advance,
> Jon

I have samba-3.5.4-63.fc13.i686 and I just mounted and unmounted
a windows xp share over my lan.

After umount:
cat /proc/fs/cifs/Stats
Resources in use
CIFS Session: 0
Share (unique mount targets): 0
SMB Request/Response Buffer: 0 Pool size: 4
SMB Small Req/Resp Buffer: 0 Pool size: 30
Operations (MIDs): 0

0 session 0 share reconnects
Total vfs operations: 13 maximum at one time: 2

and load: from  /usr/bin/w :
$ w
  09:47:40 up 28 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.72, 0.61, 0.59

I am not seeing what you report.

I am using  samba-3.5.4-63.fc13.i686

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