Re: Who's moderating this forum?

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--- On Sat, 7/17/10, Carroll Grigsby <cgrigs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> From: Carroll Grigsby <cgrigs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: Who's moderating this forum?
> To: users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Saturday, July 17, 2010, 8:33 PM
> On Sat, 17 Jul 2010 21:58:30 -0400
> Marcel Rieux <m.z.rieux@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> >>> snip
> Why does the name "Karl Larsen" keep running through my
> mind?
> -- cmg
> -- 

It was done through sed :)

first through fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx and then through new address users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

sed -i 's/Karl Larsen/Marcel Rieux/g' -i fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx 

sed -i 's/Karl Larsen/Marcel Rieux/g' -i users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Now some people use redirection:  
Anthing releated to Marcel Rieux > /dev/null 2>&1
some have 
$ rm -rf /bin/laden

To take care of another fellow that they can't find.

$ find ~/middle\ east/ "bin laden" > .bin-laden
find: `/root/middle east/': No such file or directory
find: `bin laden': No such file or directory

On Topic now.
It seems that there is some moderation going on :(, Why?  Posts take a long time to get posted.  I post today right now 
$ date
Sun Jul 18 11:28:07 UTC 2010

and it will come in tomorrow :(  Unless the server has a time-delay stamp no real-time compiled kernel?, whichever mail server is running and it is accomodating the people that want to post without being subscribed?  It is taking much longer to get to us :(  Nobody says anything, except of course Marcel :)  I don't know what is worse these  kinds of threads or the others where they want to post without being subscribed.  The forum is not and has not been moderated, but it apparently seems like it because posts take long to get posted :(  Is this done on purpose?  Should I go on RANT mode and join Marcel?  

Naah!  There is no joy on these threads like the old threads that had more interest from the community :)  



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