Re: Minimum Required RPM Packages for Running Fedora

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I thought F13 has a new "minimal" install option that gives you ~120 or so packages installed. That feature seems to have made it into the RHEL6 beta, too! (Very Cool, IMNSHO)
Chris Kloiber

On 07/14/2010 05:51 AM, siavash ghiasvand wrote:
Dear All,

For some reasons I want to know what are "Minimum Required RPM
Packages" for installing fedora on a PC.
At installation time, we can remove all optional packages and after
removing them Fedora will install with nearly 200 packages! But, many
of these packages are not necessary, for example OpenSSH, WireLess,

Then, when I tried to remove those unwanted packages after
installation, many many dependencies appeared.

So, I have two questions:
1- What are Minimum Required RPM Packages for installing Fedora? (just
booting up the system with kernel and then, a simple command line
2- How can I reach this minimal system? (As I described above those
dependencies make it impossible to remove unwanted packages after
installation and also there is no option to remove unwanted packages
before installation)

Sincerely yours,
Siavash Ghiasvand

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