Re: Connection activation failed: Device not managed by NetworkManager

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On 07/04/2010 11:26 PM, Larry Brower wrote:
Fedora User wrote:
On Sun, 04 Jul 2010 21:46:42 -0500
Larry Brower<larry@xxxxxxxxx>  wrote:

Fedora User wrote:
I have this (WLAN) configured as managed by NM in network
configuration. Now what?

The magic 8 ball says "Answer Hazy"

The whole frigging thing is hazy. And, I am no newbie - going back to
RH-7.2. Every friggin time I upgrade Fedora, something changes in
NetworkManager. Moreover, the relationship between NM and Network
Configuration is obscure at best.

Now I am not getting the error message when I restart NM. And what the
frig is this?

"<warn>  connection(1) /org/freedesktop/NetworkManagerSettings/1 failed to activate: (2)
Device not managed by NetworkManager"

If that (/org/freedesktop...)is a path, it neither exists in the file
system nor proc.


Now I see what you are saying, and honestly I do not have an answer
for you. Someone else perhaps might. I tend not to use things like
network manager.

Just a guess, but that sounds like a "path" in the gconf database.

Chris Kloiber

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