Re: Impossible to find folder which contains kernel headers

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--- On Fri, 6/25/10, Brett <brettmahar@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> From: Brett <brettmahar@xxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Impossible to find folder which contains kernel headers
> To: users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Friday, June 25, 2010, 11:23 PM
> Hi,
> I am trying to get vmware player running on Fedora 13, and
> during the setup vmware player is unable to locate the
> kernel headers (PAE). I have used the "search for files"
> function to find the location of the kernel headers
> (including "show hiddden & backup files") yet the are
> nowhere to be found. Yet Gnome Package Mngr says they are
> installed. Could someone tell me the location so I can tell
> the vmware player wizard? Please no redirection to shell
> scripts that do not work, just the location :-)
> I know Fedora is designed with security in mind, but does
> not secure/hidden/obscured to the point of unusable defeat
> the purpose?
> Brett.

I had the same exact problem.  The trick was to install

So in all, you need:


yum install kernel-devel kernel-headers kernel-PAE-devel

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