Re: problem with awk

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On Tue, 1 Jun 2010, Dave Ulrick wrote:

Looks like a field separator (FS) problem. The field separator is used by 'awk' to divide a line into fields. The default 'awk' field separator is "\t" (tab) but your fields are separated by spaces. Try adding this inside the BEGIN {} block:

FS = " ";

This would give you a script like this:

awk    'BEGIN { FS = " "; }
      echo $2
      END   { print "Fin" }
' testclean

Alternatively, you may specify the field separator as an 'awk' option:

awk -F " " '<your script>' testclean
Oops!  I zoomed in on the field separator issue without noticing that the 
rest of your script isn't quite correct.  Here's a one-liner that should 
solve your stated problem:
awk -F "\t" '{print $2}' <filename>

This command will print the second tab-delimited field of every record of a file.
Dave Ulrick
Email: d-ulrick@xxxxxxxxxxx
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