Re: Regarding Get Fedora page

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On 5/26/2010 2:56 PM, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-05-26 at 14:31 -0400, Tom Horsley wrote:
>> On Wed, 26 May 2010 13:47:10 -0400
>> Máirín Duffy wrote:
>>> Would have been nice to hear your feedback last october:
Kind of reminds me of Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, when Arthur 
Dent is admonished for not leaving feedback against the plans to 
demolish his house, and the Earthlings are admonished for not leaving 
feedback against the plans for demolishing their planet!

Seriously, it seems a lot of web site users found what they wanted 
exactly as I did, using Google.  I'm sorry, but saying users savvy 
enough to use Torrent, or whatever, are smart enough to use Google is a 
cop out.  There seems to be a large number of users who are unhappy with 
the download pages, so don't do it that way next time.  No biggie.

Some of you contribute mightily to the Fedora Project and to Linux, OSS 
and/or free software, writing code, setting up web sites, beta testing 
the release candidates, actively helping other users in the forums, 
etc.  Some, like me, just download and install the latest release and 
try to give constructive criticism when appropriate, and occasionally 
contribute answers in the forums when I can.  I'm not likely to visit 
the download page before the new product is actually released.  To all 
you others, I greatly appreciate your efforts.  I don't think I'm being 
egocentric in suggesting I'm the sort of user you should be trying to 
hook in, not some idealized concept of a newbie.  I found the emphasis 
on all the different "spins", frankly, confusing.  There are two 
different alternative desktops (neither of which I am familiar with) 
whose descriptions are nearly indistinguishable.  Which trim efficient 
resource-sparing one do I want to try first?  Impossible to tell. If you 
drill for more information there's nothing there, and you end up back 
where you started.  I did try one desktop and was unimpressed (but, 
then, it's running from a CD!)

In the past, Red Hat/Fedora offered Gnome up front and left it to more 
experienced users to discover KDE, etc. (and made them easy to install, 
if desired, and even switch among them). They supplied main download 
sites, mirrors and, eventually torrent files and tried to encourage 
people to use the latter, with the second preference being a nearby 
mirror.  I think these were wise policies that should be continued.
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