Re: Where is 2.6.32?

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Having just been burned with the F13 RC4 Alpha, the new x11 nouveau stuff makes using the nvidia (proprietary) driver temporarily impossible (and the 3d nouveau won't even run extremetuxracer or bzflag, so it's out 'cuz my 3yr old says so!) as you get a need for -ingoreABI for the xinput stuff. The new x11 provides version 9 and the nvidia driver needs "<8" or something like that. In any event, the system dies. Not looking forward to F12 pushing the new x11 bits until Nvidia wakes up to the coming flames.
Chris Kloiber

On 03/06/2010 06:39 PM, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
On Sat, Mar 06, 2010 at 18:24:48 -0500,
   Mail Lists<lists@xxxxxxxxxxxx>  wrote:
  I use nouveau - and I cannot at present run 2.6.33 or 2.6.34 wihout
essentially pulling in a lot of X. Tho' according to satisfy linus'
complaint, it looks like on ecould compile the nouveau driver and use
that - however - it sure would be nice if the nouveau folks made it
easier to run both 2.6.32 and also the newer kernels on F12.
More likely it will be on the Fedora Project to do this.

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