its my first email for the list. My problem: can't mount my cd/dvd-rom on fedora 12. The device just don't apear in '/dev' or it have another label that its not cdrom?:
[fabiano@dolphin ~]$ ls /dev/
agpgart fd loop1 MAKEDEV ppp ram2 root stderr tty14 tty24 tty34 tty44 tty54 tty7 usbmon3 vcsa
block full loop2 mapper ptmx ram3 rtc stdin tty15 tty25 tty35 tty45 tty55 tty8 usbmon4 vcsa1
bsg fuse loop3 mcelog pts ram4 rtc0 stdout tty16 tty26 tty36 tty46 tty56 tty9 usbmon5 vcsa2
bus gpmctl loop4 mem ram0 ram5 sda systty tty17 tty27 tty37 tty47 tty57 ttyS0 v4l vcsa3
char hidraw0 loop5 net ram1 ram6 sda1 tty tty18 tty28 tty38 tty48 tty58 ttyS1 vcs vcsa4
console hpet loop6 network_latency ram10 ram7 sda2 tty0 tty19 tty29 tty39 tty49 tty59 ttyS2 vcs1 vcsa5
core hvc0 loop7 network_throughput ram11 ram8 sda3 tty1 tty2 tty3 tty4 tty5 tty6 ttyS3 vcs2 vcsa6
cpu input lp0 null ram12 ram9 sg0 tty10 tty20 tty30 tty40 tty50 tty60 urandom vcs3 vga_arbiter
cpu_dma_latency kmsg lp1 nvram ram13 random shm tty11 tty21 tty31 tty41 tty51 tty61 usbmon0 vcs4 video0
disk log lp2 oldmem ram14 raw snapshot tty12 tty22 tty32 tty42 tty52 tty62 usbmon1 vcs5 zero
fb loop0 lp3 port ram15 rfkill snd tty13 tty23 tty33 tty43 tty53 tty63 usbmon2 vcs6
it doesn't appear in /etc/fstab too.
In the forums i found how to mount cd/dvd-rom manualy:
mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom0/ /media/cdrom/
mount: o dispositivo especial /dev/cdrom0/ não existe (that mean "the special device /dev/cdrom doesn't exists", I'm from Brazil)
Like you saw in "ls /dev", it's true.
I think that, fisically, it's nothing wrong with my device because I just installed fedora 12 with the dvd-rom.
Sorry for my poor english.
Thanks in advance,
Fabiano Gomes
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