Re: Fedora seems to be connected to the Internet... but it's not.

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Seth writes:

So, I just installed Fedora 12 onto a current model 15" MacBook Pro, and it's connected to the local network just fine, but I'm having a little trouble with the Internet. I can download new applications from the repositories, so I AM on the Internet, but it appears that the only website I can visit is Fedora's website. I cleared the cache and tried again and could still go to <URL:>, but if I try to go to any other website, Firefox tells me I'm not connected to the Internet. I'm not an expert at Linux, so I would like to stay away from the command line if at all possible.
I see two possibilities:

1) You are not connected to the Internet. When Firefox detects that there is no network connection, it will serve pages that it previously cached, out of its cache, but when you try to load a page that it has not cached, it will tell you that you're not online.
2) Firefox is not correctly detecting your network status, and falls back to 
offline mode, leading to #1. From the "File" menu, uncheck "Work offline", 
then try to browse to,,, any page 
that you have not visited yet.

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