On 02/05/2010 11:03 AM, Jim wrote:
Jim wrote:
trying to connect to a NXserver across internet, it won't connect.
I'm getting to this point at "time out"
203 NXSSH running with pid:2163
285 Enabling skip of SSH config files
285 Enabling check 0n switch command
285 Setting the preferred NX options
If I do a "ssh tom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" I can connect to Server and tom /home.
Is there a NX log file somewhere, there isn't any in /var/log ?
Look in your home dir in .nx: ~/.nx
for a dir with a rather long name like:
In that dir there are files like:
-rw------- 1 wcn00 wcn00 895 2010-02-05 07:21 session
drwx------ 2 wcn00 wcn00 4096 2010-02-05 07:21 .
drwx------ 7 wcn00 users 4096 2010-02-05 07:21 ..
-rw------- 1 wcn00 wcn00 0 2010-02-05 07:21 errors
-rw------- 1 wcn00 wcn00 179 2010-02-05 07:21 options
-rw------- 1 wcn00 wcn00 0 2010-02-05 07:21 stats
the session and errors files should contain something relating to your
problem. Also the server logs client connections in the client's ~/.nx
dir if it gets as far as authenticating them, which in your case, is
probably not happening. Check your server's system log for security
messages etc.
I use NX all day every day over the net, and down tunnels. Generally it
works well, but support for free leaching users like me is nonexistent :(
Best of luck
In ~/.nx the only two directories there is Config and Temp and in Temp
there is three files , numbered 3112 6900 6903.
6900, 6903 can be read by user
3112 can only be read by 'ROOT'
Each Runlog is listed below
haven't the slightest as to what they mean.
6903 reads
Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_SYSTEM' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_ROOT' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_HOME' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Starting font debug
Fixed font was set to: 'Fixed' size: '8'
And the result is: 'Fixed'
Not using default system font
Trying preset families
Found family 'DejaVu Sans'
Found size '9'
Font was set to: 'DejaVu Sans'
And the result is: 'DejaVu Sans'
End of font debug
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_CONFIG' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Starting NX Client version 3.4.0-5
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: qtrc: useXft read=1 value=1
qtrc: useXft is set to true
qtrc: enableXft read=1 value=1
qtrc: enableXft is set to true
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Initializing the login dialog.
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Config File Name set to:
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: System NX dir set to: '/usr/NX'.
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Personal NX dir set to: '/home/mickey/.nx'.
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: creating SessionSettings=''
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: ComboSession:: loadSettings: cannot find
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: sName = /home/mickey/.nx/config/tom.nxs
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Utility::getPreferencesFile:
'/home/mickey/.nx/config/tom.nxs' ->
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: ComboSession::insertSession: 'tom' ->
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Utility::getPreferencesFile: 'nxclient'
-> '/home/mickey/.nx/config/nxclient.cfg'
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: ComboSession::setCurrentSession: 'tom'
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]:
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: LoginDialog: loadUserAndPassword
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_HOME' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_ROOT' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_SYSTEM' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_CLIENT' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Trying the XAUTHORITY environment variable
with value [/var/run/kdm/.Xauthy9Pm2w].
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Utility::getXAuthorityFilePath:
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable 'XAUTHORITY' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable
'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' to '/usr/NX/lib'
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable 'HOME' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable 'PATH' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_TEMP' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable 'TEMP' to '/tmp'
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_VERSION' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: NXService::run: params [--cleanup]
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: LoginDialog: loadUserAndPassword
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: LoginDialog: login setupGui 1
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_HOME' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_ROOT' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_SYSTEM' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_CLIENT' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Trying the XAUTHORITY environment variable
with value [/var/run/kdm/.Xauthy9Pm2w].
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Utility::getXAuthorityFilePath:
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable 'XAUTHORITY' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable
'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' to '/usr/NX/lib'
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable 'HOME' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable 'PATH' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_TEMP' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable 'TEMP' to '/tmp'
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_VERSION' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Trying to write the ssh key into
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: SSH key file path
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Running nxssh protocol with version [3.4.0]
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: LoginDialog: startProgressTimer
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: LoginDialog::ShowConnectionStatus code=[240]
str=[Setting up the environment] error=[0]
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: ProgressDialog::printNxStatus: [Setting up
the environment]
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: LoginDialog: startProgressTimer
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Showing progress dialog: Setting up the
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Going to get the X authorization cookie on
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Trying the XAUTHORITY environment variable
with value [/var/run/kdm/.Xauthy9Pm2w].
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Running command [xauth -f
/var/run/kdm/.Xauthy9Pm2w nextract - :0.0 | cut -f 9 -d ' '
1>"/home/mickey/.nx/temp/6903/authlog" 2>/dev/null].
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Command run.
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Got or created the X authorization cookie.
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Setting environment variable
'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' to '/usr/NX/lib'
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: LoginDialog::ShowConnectionStatus code=[241]
str=[Connecting to tom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: ProgressDialog::printNxStatus: [Connecting
to tom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: LoginDialog::connectHost()
nxsshline=/usr/NX/bin/nxssh -nx -p 22 -i
/home/mickey/.nx/temp/6903/keylog nx@[email protected]
-x -2 -4 -o
RhostsAuthentication no -o PasswordAuthentication no -o
RSAAuthentication no -o RhostsRSAAuthentication no -o
PubkeyAuthentication yes -B -E
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Using NX_STDIN flag redirection for [nxssh]
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Using NX_STDOUT flag redirection for [nxssh]
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Using NX_STDERR flag redirection for [nxssh]
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: SpawnProcess method has returned [1]
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Process [nxssh] running with pid [6911]
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 203
NXSSH running with pid: 6911] with code [203]
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Received code[203]
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: NXProtocol: trying to read ssh pid from
'6911' - read '6911'
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 285
Enabling check on switch command] with code [285]
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Received code[285]
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 285
Enabling skip of SSH config files] with code [285]
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Received code[285]
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 285
Setting the preferred NX options] with code [285]
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:28 2010]: Received code[285]
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:28 2010]: StopConnection called
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:28 2010]: nxssh closing
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:28 2010]: StopConnection called
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:28 2010]: StopConnection called
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:28 2010]: nxssh closing
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:28 2010]: StopConnection called
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:28 2010]: printFatalError [Connection timeout]
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:28 2010]: KillAllComponents 0x17346d0
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:28 2010]: LoginDialog: stopAllTimers
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:28 2010]: LoginDialog: stopProgressTimer
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:28 2010]: LoginDialog::killAllComponents() stopping
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:28 2010]: StopConnection called
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:28 2010]: nxssh closing
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:28 2010]: StopConnection called
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:28 2010]: NXProcessUnix::StopProcess process [nxssh]
with pid [6911]
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:28 2010]: end of killAllComponents
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:28 2010]: LoginDialog::ShowConnectionStatus code=[268]
str=[Connection timeout] error=[1]
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:28 2010]: ProgressDialog::printNxStatus: [Connection
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:28 2010]: Logfile path
[/home/mickey/.nx/temp/6903/sshlog] exists.
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:31 2010]: LoginDialog::ShowConnectionStatus code=[251]
str=[Disconnecting...] error=[0]
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:31 2010]: ProgressDialog::printNxStatus:
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:31 2010]: KillAllComponents 0x17346d0
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:31 2010]: LoginDialog: stopAllTimers
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:31 2010]: LoginDialog: stopProgressTimer
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:31 2010]: LoginDialog::killAllComponents() stopping
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:31 2010]: StopConnection called
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:31 2010]: nxssh closing
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:31 2010]: StopConnection called
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:31 2010]: NXProcessUnix::StopProcess process [nxssh]
with pid [6911]
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:31 2010]: end of killAllComponents
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:34 2010]: LoginDialog: closeEvent received!
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:34 2010]: LoginDialog::destructor called begin
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:34 2010]: LoginDialog: stopAllTimers
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:34 2010]: LoginDialog: stopProgressTimer
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:34 2010]: Utility::getPreferencesFile: 'nxclient'
-> '/home/mickey/.nx/config/nxclient.cfg'
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:34 2010]: Settings::flush
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:34 2010]: Called destructor for protocol class
[Fri Feb 5 10:43:34 2010]: LoginDialog::destructor called end
6900 reads
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_SYSTEM' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_ROOT' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_HOME' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: Starting font debug
Fixed font was set to: 'Fixed' size: '8'
And the result is: 'Fixed'
Not using default system font
Trying preset families
Found family 'DejaVu Sans'
Found size '9'
Font was set to: 'DejaVu Sans'
And the result is: 'DejaVu Sans'
End of font debug
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_CONFIG' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: Starting NX Client version 3.4.0-5
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: qtrc: useXft read=1 value=1
qtrc: useXft is set to true
qtrc: enableXft read=1 value=1
qtrc: enableXft is set to true
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: Initializing the login dialog.
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: Config File Name set to:
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: System NX dir set to: '/usr/NX'.
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: Personal NX dir set to: '/home/mickey/.nx'.
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: creating SessionSettings=''
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: ComboSession:: loadSettings: cannot find
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: sName = /home/mickey/.nx/config/nxclient.cfg
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: Utility::getPreferencesFile:
'/home/mickey/.nx/config/nxclient.cfg' ->
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: ComboSession::insertSession: 'nxclient'
-> '/home/mickey/.nx/config/nxclient.cfg'
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: Utility::getPreferencesFile: 'nxclient'
-> '/home/mickey/.nx/config/nxclient.cfg'
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: ComboSession::setCurrentSession: 'nxclient'
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]:
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: SessionSettings::load() 'Login Method' key
has value 'NULL' using default value 'nx'.
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: LoginDialog: loadUserAndPassword
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_HOME' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_ROOT' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_SYSTEM' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_CLIENT' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: Trying the XAUTHORITY environment variable
with value [/var/run/kdm/.Xauthy9Pm2w].
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: Utility::getXAuthorityFilePath:
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: Setting environment variable 'XAUTHORITY' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: Setting environment variable
'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' to '/usr/NX/lib'
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: Setting environment variable 'HOME' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: Setting environment variable 'PATH' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_TEMP' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: Setting environment variable 'TEMP' to '/tmp'
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_VERSION' to
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: NXService::run: params [--cleanup]
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:16 2010]: LoginDialog: loadUserAndPassword
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:23 2010]: LoginDialog: closeEvent received!
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:23 2010]: LoginDialog::destructor called begin
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:23 2010]: LoginDialog: stopAllTimers
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:23 2010]: LoginDialog: stopProgressTimer
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:23 2010]: Utility::getPreferencesFile: 'nxclient'
-> '/home/mickey/.nx/config/nxclient.cfg'
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:23 2010]: Settings::flush
[Fri Feb 5 10:42:23 2010]: LoginDialog::destructor called end
3112 reads
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_SYSTEM' to
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_ROOT' to
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_HOME' to
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Starting font debug
Fixed font was set to: 'Fixed' size: '8'
And the result is: 'Fixed'
Not using default system font
Trying preset families
Found family 'DejaVu Sans'
Found size '9'
Font was set to: 'DejaVu Sans'
And the result is: 'DejaVu Sans'
End of font debug
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Starting NX Client version 3.4.0-5
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: qtrc: useXft read=1 value=1
qtrc: useXft is set to true
qtrc: enableXft read=1 value=1
qtrc: enableXft is set to true
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Initializing the login dialog.
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Config File Name set to:
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: System NX dir set to: '/usr/NX'.
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Personal NX dir set to: '/home/mickey/.nx'.
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: creating SessionSettings=''
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: LoginDialog::loadConfigFiles - number of
entries in config dir: 4
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: ComboSession::insertSession: 'tom' ->
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: ComboSession::setCurrentSession: 'tom'
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]:
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Utility::getPreferencesFile: 'nxclient'
-> '/home/mickey/.nx/config/nxclient.cfg'
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: ComboSession::setCurrentSession: 'tom'
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]:
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: LoginDialog: slotChangeSession [tom]
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: LoginDialog: loadUserAndPassword
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: LoginDialog: loadUserAndPassword
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Settings::flush
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Settings::flush
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: LoginDialog: loadUserAndPassword
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Settings::flush
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Settings::flush
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: LoginDialog: loadUserAndPassword
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_HOME' to
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_ROOT' to
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_SYSTEM' to
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_CLIENT' to
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Trying the XAUTHORITY environment variable
with value [/root/.xauthrdy071].
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Utility::getXAuthorityFilePath:
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Setting environment variable 'XAUTHORITY' to
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Setting environment variable
'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' to '/usr/NX/lib'
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Setting environment variable 'HOME' to
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Setting environment variable 'PATH' to
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_TEMP' to
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Setting environment variable 'TEMP' to '/tmp'
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: Setting environment variable 'NX_VERSION' to
[Thu Feb 4 20:01:35 2010]: NXService::run: params [--cleanup]
[Thu Feb 4 20:09:47 2010]: LoginDialog: closeEvent received!
[Thu Feb 4 20:09:47 2010]: LoginDialog::destructor called begin
[Thu Feb 4 20:09:47 2010]: LoginDialog: stopAllTimers
[Thu Feb 4 20:09:47 2010]: LoginDialog: stopProgressTimer
[Thu Feb 4 20:09:47 2010]: Utility::getPreferencesFile: 'nxclient'
-> '/home/mickey/.nx/config/nxclient.cfg'
[Thu Feb 4 20:09:47 2010]: Settings::flush
[Thu Feb 4 20:09:47 2010]: LoginDialog::destructor called end
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