Re: F12 nouveau problem?

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On 02/02/2010 07:16 PM, Andreas M. Kirchwitz wrote:
Joachim Backes<joachim.backes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  wrote:

  >  having a *little* problem with nouveau and NVIDIA FX5200 (princeton
  >  display, 1280x1024): Under F12, it works OK - but when rebooting to
  >  WinXP, the screen is not centered, but shifted a little bit to the left
  >  (a small black vertical bar remains rightside). After auto tuning the
  >  display in WinXP, and after  rebooting to F12, there is the inverse
  >  effect (small black vertical bar on the left side).

Same here. The drivers from Nvidia and from the open source community
use slightly different settings for screen position. Yes, it's annoying.
I'm sure that could be changed with ModeLines in xorg.conf, but that
wouldn't help for KMS. Maybe the developers of the open source drivers
only use DVI and don't care, or they don't use Windows and never
noticed the problem.

  >  By running my screen with kmod-nvidia-173xx from rpmfusion, I get rid
  >  from these problems.

Sure, then you use Nvidia's driver with both operating systems.
They use the same settings for screen position of course.

Nvidia's downloadable driver for Windows allows you to shift the
screen. That's the easiest solution of you use this drivers.
Hi Andreas,

thx for this hint: I'll install the most recent Nvidia driver in XP
and check that together with the F12 nouveau driver.


Joachim Backes

If you use the Nvidia driver that comes with Windows then I don't
know if it's possible to modify the screen position.

	Greetings, Andreas
Joachim Backes <joachim.backes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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