Re: Brother MFC210C Printer Install

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Jim writes:


There are no Linux drivers for this printer other than the ones from Brother, but they are i386.rpm drivers and I need to install on a X86_64 Fedora12.
What other 32 bit rpms would I need to install to get the i386.rpm 
drivers to work on a X86_64 box ?
Whatever ones rpm tells you it needs, when you try to install the rpm.

Of course, you must be certain that the Brother's frankenrpm even works on Fedora. Old habits of clueless vendors die hard, and they're probably providing RPMs for RHEL only, that would be my guess.
You'll be much better off returning this beast, and replacing it with 
something that works out of the box with Linux. It's not like there's a 
shortage of printers that are supported by CUPS.

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