Re: ProFTP Glitch

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Ed Greshko wrote:
> Mike Dwiggins wrote:
>> Ed Greshko wrote:
>>> Mike Dwiggins wrote:
>>>> Trying to start from usr/sbin/proftpd  I egt
>>>> - warning: unable to determine IP address of 'laptop.localnet'
>>>> -error: no valid servers configured
>>>> -Fatal: error orocessing configuration file '/etc/proftpd.conf'
>>>> and there is nothing in /var/log/messages.  That is whats bugging me, 
>>>> should that not reflect in the system messages file?
>>> Well, there then is the problem.
>>> "unable to determine IP address of 'laptop.localnet' "
>>> doesn't have an IP address associated with it.  I'm assuming that
>>> "hostname" returns I wouldn't worry at this point about messages not
>>> appearing in /var/log/messages.  
>>> If I change my hostname I get the same error as you do....
>>> [root@f12 ~]# hostname
>>> [root@f12 ~]# hostname
>>> [root@f12 ~]# /usr/sbin/proftpd
>>>  - warning: unable to determine IP address of ''
>>>  - error: no valid servers configured
>>>  - Fatal: error processing configuration file '/etc/proftpd.conf'
>>> But then....
>>> [root@f12 ~]# hostname
>>> [root@f12 ~]# hostname
>>> [root@f12 ~]# service proftpd start
>>> Starting proftpd:                                          [  OK  ]
>>> So, it is most likely that 'laptop.localnet' does not exist in your
>>> /etc/hosts file.
>>> Ed
>> Tried that trick with the same results on my end.  Even tried changing 
>> the machine ID to end with .com and the same happened.  I am wondering 
>> if it has to do with this machine being DHCP client vice static address.
>> I will try that tonight when the rest of the house goes to bed.
> OK.... Now that it is actually morning I was able to try one more thing
> that should fix your problem....
> edit your /etc/hosts file and add laptop.localnet to the line starting
> with

Magic fix:

Set Static IP
Edit hosts file

If not done in that order wash/rinse/repeat!

Thank you Sir!  I was beating my forehead flat.



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