Re: problems with system-config-display and crtl-alt-backspace

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Putting my problem into this thread...

On 12/27/2009 02:06 PM, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
On Sun, 27 Dec 2009 00:42:19 -0800
Paul Allen Newell<pnewell@xxxxxxxxxx>  wrote:

To all:

Installed f12 without any problems.

Discovered that crtl-alt-backspace was disabled in f12 and how I
could edit my xorg.conf to restore that feature.
How did you discover this? Trying it in a gnome desktop? :)

Searched Fedora f12 web pages and they told me to install
system-config-display to create an xorg.conf that matched the default
that the opSys was using. Worked great and, to use the cliché,
Don't do that. See:

(with screenshots even! :)

There is no need at all to make an xorg.conf, and as you have seen it
can cause problems moving forward.
And I cannot get my notebook to even go over 800x600 for the internal 
display without using system-config-display to create a xorg.conf to get 
higher resolution with FC12.  How do I convince X to give me more 
without the xorg.conf?
BTW, this is on an HP nc2400 that has a 12" display, but I have always 
run it at 1024x768.
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