Re: Fedora 11 network share browsing using Natuilus with Samba - Fixed?

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I hear you about DNS sensor ship. I guess that's one way the great firewall of China does it. I have a buddy at work that had a 2 week gig to do in Abu Dhabi some months back. He couldn't use his Skype phone there. They had it filtered out including any of the third party proxy servers that were used for a while to get around the initial filtering being done. I told him setting up a proxy server at home maybe one way to prevent that from happening again. He has also had a few problems in China as well, but not with Sype so far.
Speaking about bogus resolvers, having the ISP's mess with DNS, is just the 
start of it. Wait until they get around to forcing people to install custom 
TCP/IP stacks that ONLY will work on their network as a means to monitor and 
control traffic. There is nothing the FCC has done that excludes this 

Leland C. Scott

----- Original Message ----- From: "Bruno Wolff III" <bruno@xxxxxxxx>
To: "KC8LDO" <kc8ldo@xxxxxxxx>
Cc: <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, January 02, 2010 7:54 PM
Subject: Re: Fedora 11 network share browsing using Natuilus with Samba - Fixed?

On Sat, Jan 02, 2010 at 18:54:13 -0500,
 KC8LDO <kc8ldo@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Anybody care to comment about this?
You can also run your own caching resolver. Less ISPs mess with DNS 
than have bogus resolvers.

It not just returning bogus addresses instead of nxdomain, but also bogus
TTLs that can make seeing changes take longer and the potential for
censorship as some censorship is done at the DNS level.

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