Re: F12: KDE and PulseAudio latest update

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On 01/01/2010 05:34 PM, Jud Craft wrote:
How to I get Skype to use my USB webcams mic ?
GNOME should allow you to choose which device for speaker input.

Doesn't the webcam mike show up under Sound Properties (right click on
speaker in bar)?

Yes, it does work under Gnome, however we use KDE.
There does not seem to be away in KDE of setting which devices are
used by the pulseaudio default sound device.
Also the applications, such as Skype, only sees the PulseAudio
sound device and so cannot choose a specific input or output device.

Actually does the design of PulseAudio allow an application to choose
to use a specific input/output device ? If not I would consider this
a major failing ....

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