Re: unable to login after getting system update of X11 in fedora 11

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On 09/14/2009 02:15 PM, Suvayu Ali wrote:
On Sunday 13 September 2009 10:49 PM, Joachim Backes wrote:
On 09/14/2009 06:51 AM, Jatin K wrote:
On 09/12/2009 12:57 PM, Bernd Knöttig wrote:
Germán Racca schrieb am, 12.09.2009 07:04:
On Sat, 2009-09-12 at 10:43 +0530, Jatin K wrote:
On 09/11/2009 01:12 PM, Bernd Knöttig wrote:
Jatin K schrieb am, 11.09.2009 07:08:
Dear list

I'm not able to login after system update on Sep 10. the update I
got is
[1], whenever I try to login, it automatically logs off (I think
are some problem with X server )........ after retrying 10 to 15
I'm able to login and thing works fine .... can anybody help me to
this problem ...,,,,,,?????
I had the same problem on two different laptops running Fedora
11/Gnome with an intel 945 chipset after recent xorg-update. A
downgrade to previous version of xorg-x11-server-Xorg solved the


ok.... How do I downgrade to previous version of xorg-x11-server
...... step by step guide ?????
yum downgrade xorg-x11-server-Xorg

Prior to this you have to perform a "yum install
yum-plugin-allowdowngrade". Be carfull not to make a re-update with
next yum-update.


well ..... I've downgraded the xorg-x11-server-xorg ..... things working
fine ...... but now every-time I start my system it shows that update
is available.... it is nothing but * xorg-x11-server-xorg * ... is there
any way to permanently avoid this update ...??? or every-time I've to
deselect this up date manually ????

In /etc/yum.conf add a line:


Or extend an existing "exclude" line by ",xorg-x11-server-Xorg"

As a note, this also means you won't be able to update this package 
even when the bug is fixed, without editing this line again. Isn't 
running without desktop effects a more practical solution here?
that is good solution ...but here with me , if I disable desktop effects my firefox and all video players ( vlc, banshee, rhythmbox) goes mad ... firefox cannot handle the flash video and all video players cannot play video file ... say if I go to ( after disabling the desktop effects ) and try to watch the video ... video gates scramble ...dots and linings only ..... if I play any video files with any above said video players they cannot play the video file again garbage video ...... if I re-enable the desktop effects forefox and all the players runs fine without any problem. I 've already posted this problem before sometime on this list but didn't get the solution :-(

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