Re: snip extraneous quotes from your posts to the list, dammit

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Here in the USA, I do not need to be ashamed for having a different view and a different way of doing things. I can have my own beliefs and practices.
When you resort to threats of no help to me unless I toe the line you 
dictate to me, you illustrate what I'm getting at.
It takes people with many different views to make a good product. If I 
banned everyone from my workplace who doesn't think as I do, then I'd be 
standing in the building alone. With nothing to show for it.

On 09/13/2009 10:35 AM, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
Robert L Cochran wrote:
Guidelines are voluntary.

So is providing help on the list. Not following the guidelines is a
good way to limit those willing to help you.

I don't crucify, burn at stake, hang, dismember or torture other list
people for doing things differently. We do not live in the 1400s any


I guess politeness has also gone out of style. Guidelines are to let
people know the way they are expected to behave in this community.
After all, things like changing you cloths, washing, etc are
voluntary. But you will have a hard time fitting in in most parts of
the world if this is the way you conduct yourself.

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