Re: Help with Fedora Research

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I also would be interested in participating, please advise them of my email details

On 09/11/2009 11:49 AM, Kevin Martin wrote:

  I would be interested in doing either or both of the 2.  I use Fedora
as my primary machine for both work and play (since about Core 5) and
would be happy to give my feedback.

Kevin Martin

Greg DeKoenigsberg wrote:
I think it's a mark of our success in Fedora that people are starting
to study how our community works.  And not just in the "gosh, Fedora
is awesome and amazing" sense, but in the "gosh, Fedora is a really
interesting phenomenon that we should learn more about, warts and all".

I spent Tuesday morning with a couple of professors at Duke
University's MBA Program, and they had a ton of questions for me.  It
was amazing. They are really digging into what makes communities like
ours tick.

Here's the thing, though: they need to be talking to a lot more people
than just me.  Which is why I'm asking for help.  :)

So we're looking for Fedora contributors who are willing to do one of
two things:

1. Participate in an email interview with our Duke professors; or

2. Participate in a short phone interview (about 20 minutes) with our
Duke professors.

We're looking for folks who don't work for Red Hat, and folks who do.
We're looking for folks who are highly technical, and folks who
aren't. We're looking for folks who contribute lots, or only a little

It's a simple thing that could be hugely valuable in the long run.
We've got something special in Fedora, and the world wants to
understand how it works. Your experiences matter.

Please respond to me privately via email if you are interested in
participating.  Thanks.


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