FC10 install will not offer 'askmethod'

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I am doing yet another install, this time on a Dell SFF with an internal CD.

I want to do a network install from my local repo.

With older Redhat stuff, I did a 'linux askmethod' at the enter prompt. I have noticed with FC10, that I would frequently not be given the chance to press enter, let alone type in the above command, but I would be given a menu that would allow me to supply a URL anyway.
Well on this system I go right to the menu about 
install/recover/bootlocal/memcheck and from here it goes into the 
install from CD without ever being given the option to provide the URL 
of my local repo.  Even if I let it go all the way to where you can 
provide which repos to load from, I cannot see how to point the 
installation repo to my network one.
I have tried various combinations of F1, F2, F3 at that startup menu, 
but I never can get it to a point to let me provide the URL of my repo.
Am I going to have to use a USB CD drive to trick it?

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