Re: Enabling Tabs On Mediawiki

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On 09/04/2009 06:08 PM, Aldo Foot wrote:
On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 7:06 PM, Robert L Cochran<cochranb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>  wrote:
I recently installed mediawiki-1.15.1. I would like to get those nice tabs
that you see at the top of this page for "Manual", "Discussion", etc:

Currently my Main Page shows no tabs. How do I enable them? Do I need to
edit /usr/share/mediawiki/skins/monobook/main.css? Or do I need to edit
Monobook.css? I don't seem to have a file of that name for my mediawiki


When I first tried mediawiki, I installed via yum and used their
instructions[1] to add tab functionality.

Tab navigation is added, but nowhere near the looks of the
web link you provide as example. So I didn't like it and opted
to install from source.
The installation from source gives you the looks and feel to
which you refer. It looks *much* better.

I have no idea what why the yum install does not have a better
looking end product.  Source install looks like the wikimedia homepage.


Aldo, thank you for making me aware of this. I'm going to work on installing from the Mediawiki source just as you have. As I want to try to save the one wiki page that I've spent hours working on, I'm going back up my database and configuration files and see if I can treat this as an "upgrade". That requires an AdminSettings.php file to be present in the wiki root. There is an /usr/share/mediawiki/AdminSettings.sample which can be copied to the wiki root. The file is needed for scripts in the maintenance directory to run. I didn't know any of these details until I started looking at the "upgrade" page here:

I will let you know how things go. I'll also file bugs as needed to get this issue of no tabs resolved in the Fedora version of mediawiki. Perhaps some needed installation files were left out of the binaries.

so what I'm getting at is the Fedora

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