Re: Can we have different desktop backgrounds for different workspaces

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On Fri, 28 Aug 2009, Michael Hennebry wrote:

On Fri, 28 Aug 2009, Anne Wilson wrote:

Quicker way - and, I think, the way that I did it:
On second thought, I might do it that way.
Again, thanks much.
Arrrg.  'Twas a mess.
I'm not at all sure how I got out of it.
Clicking on OK did not get rid of the toolbox.
That wasn't the only part of the mess.
I don't know what eventually got rid of it.
I do have different backgrounds on different desktops now.

It's possible I'm missing something.
Since I installed F11,
rather a lot of labels are black on dark gray or black on black.
'Tis quite annoying.

I noticed this from the same page:
I experience extreme slowness when using Plasma with the NVIDIA binary driver.
This is NVIDIA's fault entirely, due to their driver not supporting correctly the XRender X11 extension, and it also affects other parts of KDE such as Konsole. See this blog entry on how to report issues upstream to NVIDIA. This page contains a few suggestions on how to improve performance.
Is there an nvidia driver that allows suspend to
disk and does not experience extreme slowness?

Michael   hennebry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"Pessimist: The glass is half empty.
Optimist:   The glass is half full.
Engineer:   The glass is twice as big as it needs to be."

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