Re: Anyone using Skype on FC11 ?

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Hi Randy,

I was not aware of this option, but it does sound good. if it works for fc11,
maybe it will work on moblin?! :O

i suspect i should remove the current skype install before trying this pkg, ?? in the below parameter changes, where did you make those? the skype gui or direct file edits?
Thx for this option! jackc...

On 08/28/2009 10:11 AM, Ryan Lynch wrote:
  sudo wget -O /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-skype

sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repo.d/skype.repo

Also, have you tried Skype for MID, yet?  I think the version is,
but I'm not sure whether that's in the same version # scheme as regular
Skype.  It's a modifed client intended for Linux MIDs (Mobile Internet


I am running it now, on Fedora 11, and it works pretty well with my Logitech
QuickCam 9000 USB.  It seems to like PulseAudio, after I uncommented and
changed some settings.

  * high-priority = yes
  * nice-level = 3
  * default-fragments = 8
  * default-fragment-size-msec = 5

You may not need all of those, I'm not 100% sure which ones solved my
problems.  (Basically, I was getting sound so choppy that it sounded like
short, sharp bursts of static--totally unusable.)  After changing settings,
do a `killall pulseaudio`, and then restart your client apps (pulseaudio
should be automatically restarted when a client requests it).

I haven't gotten around to making an F11 RPM spec file, yet, but the manual
installation is dead simple:

  * Untar to '/usr/share/skype/',
  * copy the 'skype' script 'skype.bin' binary executables to '/usr/bin', and
  * edit the 'skype' script so that it points to the correct binary path

There are a few missing features in MID, but I haven't missed them.


   jack craig
         831-684-1375 (Office)
            831-596-6924 (cell)
               IM: jackcraigaptos (AIM)

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