Re: What is the plan for sound for F12 ?

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Linuxguy123 wrote:
Half the posts on this list are for sound issues.   Clearly whatever F11
is using isn't working.   So what is the plan for F12 ?  When will the
Fedora sound system be given an appropriate level of priority such that
sound works at least as well as it did in F10 ?

My personal opinion is that it's more a problem of too many applicaions which fight for sounds. The pamixer, the alsamixer, the advanced mixer, some config files to edit, etc. And on some hardware (that which developers have) sound will work out of the box, similar setups will often work, but on some systems, I'm guessing 15% from what I've seen, serious fiddling is needed. And even on system where sound "works" it often isn't as loud as it was on earlier releases.
Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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