Re: help

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> Yet another reason that Network Manager needs to go away. It's a giant PITA.
This is not very helpful. And if you want to make it go away, why not just uninstall it, or just turn it off?
On 08/27/2009 01:09 PM, Brian Bentley wrote:
I have ubuntu 8.1 on my laptop and installed fedora 11 on my desktop. I checked all my settings on fedora against ubuntu and they are the same. fedora says there is a connection but firefox says it is unable to locate the server and system update says problem connecting to software source. is there a command I can issue in the terminal that will allow internet access. I am not real famlar with terminal commands. Thanks.
There might be such a command, but we won't know until we know what the problem is.
Check the IP address you are getting from Ubuntu (use /sbin/ifconfig, if 
you like). The address you are showing,, is a "local" IP, 
which you should only get if you have a router. The interesting question 
is not whether the IPs are exactly the same, but whether the Ubuntu one 
is also in the 192.168.2.* range. If it is not, then for some reason 
Fedora is not getting an IP. If it is, then
Become root, and post the output of:
     grep NetworkManager < /var/log/messages
Post the output of "/sbin/route", too, and also "cat /etc/resolv.conf" while you're at it. For both Ubuntu and Fedora.

PS Post things to the list. Someone else might see better than I will what the problem is.
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